Saturday, 26 December 2020

Reminder in 2020 – 5 SEO Trends Which You Can’t Avoid

 For the last few decades, Google has progressed its technology in leaps and bounds to present itself at the forefront of the digital world.

At the very end of 2019, they showed their plans for the upcoming year; overhauling their existing framework to make the searches more efficient, and fast. It is bound to start new SEO trends in 2020 as companies will try to stay ahead of their counterparts and reach the coveted place on the first page of the search results.

Lets’ explore the old but important techniques that are predicted to define how you Search the internet and learn how any content writing agency will utilise them to gain maximum benefits.

Change #1: Mobile-first indexing – 

Mobile-first indexing is likely to become the largest game changer in the SEO techniques this year. Google will use the mobile version of various web pages to index and rank them according to their popularity. These processes had already started in March 2018, when Google began to migrate sites to mobile-first indexes.

Once a site is migrated Google will use the mobile version for indexing purposes. An index still exists containing mobile and desktop versions; however, once the migration is complete, these SEO trends will eliminate any need for a mobile-friendly version.

Tips to utilise it –

Use a mobile bot to crawl through your site to check how search engine spiders see a mobile page. Also, keep track of your mobile pages’ loading speeds and user experience.

If your website is not mobile-friendly, start with overhauling its content and layout to better suit handheld devices. You can hire designers and content writing company to work on making them more efficient.

Change #2: Brands are likely to be used as a ranking signal – 

Brand mentions play a crucial role in Google’s search algorithm. A search engine learns about a brands entity through unlinked brand mentions; it also established a better picture of its particular attributes by analysing all its properties. Slowly it will start evaluating its context to assign a value to the site’s ranking.

Advertising, complaint solving, etc. is stated to become more important in this context. Google algorithms will start to count these factors for ranking purposes.

Tips to utilise it – 

Catering to your brand's reputation will be the ideal way to harness these new SEO trends. Also, keep track of how many times your brand's name appear online through unlinked mentions.

Find influencers who are willing to talk about your brand, or already doing the same for some time. Also, knowing what your competitors are doing will give a great deal of insight and help determine the next step.

 Change #3: Mind the page loading speed – 

Desktop page loading speed has long been a crucial factor in website ranking. According to the new trends, mobile page loading speed will soon trump it in importance and pose as the primary influence in the latest SEO trends of 2020.

It can change how pages are ranked. Google is trying to develop an algorithm that will count in the fact that different mobile devices have a different loading speed. It will eliminate any correlation between a pages ranking and its speed score.

Tips to utilise it – 

The main focus to utilise this new SEO trend should be on creating a site better optimised for mobile viewing. Change the issues that prevented it from loading fast; refresh the design, utilise the new HTML functions to optimise the content and better present the visual elements of the page.

It also includes optimising the written content of the website. Various content writing company are gearing up to create shorter, information-dense pieces that are faster to comprehend yet tax a lot less on a devices RAM. Collaborating with such agencies will also help streamline the entire user experience.

Looking at the new techniques

The new SEO trends of this year are speculated to bring only a few, but significant changes in the way you use and navigate through the internet. Proper utilisation will keep your website ahead of the competitors and help stay on top of Google’s index.

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

How to Boost Your Business with Online Reviews Strategy SEO in 2020?

Digital marketing strategies are ever-evolving with the enigmatic search engine algorithms stepping up a notch or two every now and then. Therefore, to maintain visibility on the SERP, its businesses need to keep up with the latest techniques in content development.

One of such recent trends is reviews strategy SEO. Online reviews play a large part in enhancing a brand’s reach on the internet. Now the concern is how to make this weapon work into boosting your website’s SEO?

Here, we provide you with some of the best ways our product content writing can be optimized with online reviews.

Step 1: Evaluate your existing reviews

There can be several places on the internet where you can find a review of your services. It is best to start with three of the largest platforms, namely, Google, Facebook, and Yelp. Focus on the site that comprises a greater number of reviews. Assess how positive or negative they are and grab every scope of improvement possible.

Here is an example of Facebook reviews on the official page of  “Das Writing Services Pvt. Ltd.”.

Step 2: Plan a strategy to collect more

It is vital for your business that you put a strategic effort into collecting as many reviews as possible. But not many customers are likely to leave a review on their own. That is why you need to come up with an effective strategy to follow up with your clients after they experience your services.

This can be done with emails, review landing pages, or text messages. Your review form must include questions which will generate authentic and detailed answers but should be precise and simple at the same time.

Refer to the given template.


Step 3: Tackle responses well

Your responses to reviews say a lot more about your business than the actual criticisms. No matter good or bad, all feedback deserves equal attention since they show how valued customer experience is for you. Since these responses are public, they should be framed well, especially with negative feedback.

No matter how bitter the review is, respectable responses are a must. As one of the best content writing agency in India, we make sure to exercise the same.

An example of a balanced response from Shoppers Stop is illustrated below.

So, why are online reviews important for your business? Here are some of the best ways in which reviews strategy SEO benefits your website.

Provides original user-generated content

With online businesses, it is very important to have quality content elaborating on and promoting your services. And what can be better content than the one coming from your customers? Online reviews serve as a prominent form of user-generated content for your business that can be instrumental in converting potential customers.

Boosts website traffic

Reviews come from none other than the people availing your services. Therefore their language is more likely to match that of your target audience. A continuous thread of reviews will help attract more traffic through the matching keywords.

Facilitates higher search engine ranking

Reviews can affect the parameters deciding your rank on search engines like Google. Higher ratings and positive reviews can boost website authority, so you must be cautious of working reviews strategy SEO the right way into constructive criticisms.

Improves credibility

Greater the authority more will be the trustworthiness. Reviews play a huge role in influencing the decision-making process of your potential customers. They also give you an insight into how your services are faring and help you decide the necessary strategies to improve further.

Eventually, it all comes down to employing this powerful SEO weapon correctly to enhance your brand presence. When that seems tricky, it is time you refer to a content writing agency like Das Writing Services Pvt. Ltd. Contact us to level up your reviews strategy SEO for optimum digital presence.

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

3 Ways to Run Profitable Business without Compromising Your Passion

When you are following your passion, imagine the thrill if you can make good money out it! No wonder the talented performers of today are living their dream. But guess what? So, can you!

Whatever your passion is, be it being a business conglomerate or a fitness expert, using these foolproof techniques, any person can run a profitable business out of passion.

Let’s start from the beginning –

As you know, in this digitally-driven world, unless you ‘make a noise’, you can’t grab the attention of your audience. So, the best way to jump-start your business is to use the correct marketing techniques. Give them a read –

1.      Personify your brand

Brand authenticity is a must in today’s consumer-driven world. The amount of brand advocacy you can generate from consumers is equivalent to the substantial profit in your pocket. So, first and foremost, use a web designing agency to create a unique brand logo and design an amiable user-friendly website.

Frame a branding strategy to help your business catch the attention of the target audience. A major part of this approach is hiring a content marketing agency. As, it’s largely through engaging contents in various platforms that your brand can appear more human and hook your visitors for a longer time.   

2.      Use a content marketing agency

Today, a survey conducted claims, nearly an average of 96% of small businesses use digital marketing, where 53% of brands avail content writing services themselves.

So, to run a profitable business, hire an agency which comes with SEO services. Moreover, any reputable content marketing company is adept with the changing algorithms of Google and therefore, frames crisp, concise content, appropriate for search engine and customers alike.

Moreover, these agencies have professional writers who frame contents with correct implementation of keywords to help in ranking the website on search engines. Additionally, SEO experts, with abundant knowledge in recent digital marketing trends, use tricks for generating traffic to websites and building leads.

3.      Rule social media

If you manage to conquer social media, consider your mission accomplished. Take the help of a social media strategist, if required, to find out what’s trending amongst your target audience or simply use your content writers for engaging social media post writing.

Also, don’t forget to use filters, live stories, videos, and blogs to grab the attention of your prospects. Not to forget, another sure shot way is to use influencer marketing and communicating with the user’s direct.

Host quizzes, offer giveaways, ask for opinions or feature loyal customers in your social media page for boosting brand awareness.

Additionally, to run a profitable business, here are few necessary pointers to be considered while following your passion –

·         Explore the different social platforms and find which area hides most of your target audience.

·         To prevent bounce rate issues on your website, hire an able content writing agency which writes addressing the requirements of your target audience.

·         Know that road to profitability is bumpy, and patience and consistency with correct marketing practices are the keys to success.

That’s all! Follow the steps mentioned above to run your enterprise and make a substantial profit out of your passion. Good luck!


Saturday, 8 August 2020

Interesting Facts You Need to Know about Content Personalisation Strategy

With the growing popularity in virtual media, delivering a piece of content matching the requisites of your target audience becomes quite tricky. However, with the content personalisation techniques, writers and content marketers can identify their customer niche and deliver useful content accordingly.

Mostly, a content marketing agency uses such strategies to identify their target market and cater to diverse audience segments. Through these ways, you can mobilise your content based on the areas of interest and preference of your target audience group.

Let’s take a step further in learning more details about content customisation through the below pointers!

Ways to Deliver a Customised Content

According to the market demands, you need to think a step ahead of your competitors for customising your content! Preparing a well-planned strategy beforehand can be useful to channelise your content to your desired group of audience.

Try following the steps below to let your content achieve better audience growth:

     1. Get Your CMS ready: 

    Most content marketers focus on identifying the target audience by collecting the data at the initial stages. With an integrated CMS, you can comprehend the niche of your website visitor. For example, a renowned research firm Gartner places content personalisation right from the place when visitors search the homepage.

At the beginning of the page, the website asks visitors to select their industry and functions, such as “Education” and “Audit & Risk” for audience classification. Through the segregation by industry and role, it becomes easier for Gartner to recognise its target niche and place their contents accordingly.

You can also use tools to modify your CMS with more integrated customisation capabilities. At times, you may also need to apply a specific configuration for better personalisation.

    2. Understand Your Target Group of Audiences: 

    The next step comes with delivering appropriate contents, such as SEO article writing, blogs and webpages, etc. For this agenda, you require to understand your target segments of readers.

Try comprehending the audience groups’ likes, tastes and preferences and publish your content accordingly. Always remember that better segmentation can help you define your audiences well!

     3. Use Personalised Platforms for Content Generation:  

     With the use of appropriate tools, you can customise your content and make your words find the correct destination. These tools have a seamless user-interface and provide you with the necessities to make your content stand out in the crowd.

      4. Create High-value Contents: 

     Classification of the contents, according to the audience segments, can help you gain more reach as a content marketer. Also, you need to focus on the content delivery and information that relates to the demands of your audience. Make sure your content should be top-notch along with a unique style of writing to ensure better Google rankings!

Moreover, the pillars of content marketing and customisation stand on the base of trust and integrity. Creating transparency enables visitors to share data openly with you. Once you are hands-on with tools and techniques of content personalisation, you can make words reach the target readers quickly.

Monday, 20 July 2020

Writer’s Block? Here is Some Ideas That Will Help You Get out of it

While some think Writers Block is a legit disorder, others may consider it as ‘It’s all in your head’ situation. No matter what the reason is, the situation is devastating for a writer as they feel that their creative bone is just gone. It can leave writers astray for days, weeks, or even months.
Some might think it will go away with time and may want to wait for the right time when they will feel inspired, or their creative side will kick in. But, that may not be the wisest solution to get rid of it, and you may end up wasting more time feeling under-confident.
Nonetheless, before we jump into the discussion of how to help writers get out of writer’s block, here look at some of the common reasons causing it.

Causes of Writers Block

  •      The fear of being criticised or self-criticism.
  •       Feeling extremely competitive with other contemporary writers.
  •      The feeling of perfectionism may stop you from writing a great piece of work.
  •      Dearth of external and internal motivation.

How to Get Rid of Writer’s Block?

While some may choose to wait and see when this block goes away, some actually will to work on ways and get rid of it. Especially, those working to deliver professional writing services have no room for such situations as they need to deliver projects on a strict deadline, even if they feel not motivated.
In any case, here are all writers can do to give themselves the extra and much-needed push.
     1. Physical activity – It might sound clichéd, but indulging in physical activities such as jogging, running, cycling, or exercise might keep you inspired throughout the day. It may help you get rid of any kind of distractions and make you feel more focused.
    2. Free writing – Most writers fail to get rid of the initial inhibition and end up doubting their capabilities even before they start writing. A better way to get rid of this situation is by freewriting. One can write freely without having any regard for making it perfect or checking spelling, grammar, or topic.
    3. Make a schedule and write – People often tend to wait for the moment they feel inspired and creative to start writing. But, it may take forever if you keep waiting. Instead, one can make a schedule and try to write at that time. The schedule can be daily, alternate days, or weekly as per your convenience but what’s important is for you to make efforts and write.
     4. Use imperfect words – Writers often tend to wait and Search for the perfect words to use in their write up. Instead, they can use the word that comes in their mind for the time being and looks for more appropriate words at a late point in time.
     5. Don’t struggle with the beginning – Beginning is the most complicated part of a write-up, and writers end up wasting more time for the start. However, they can ensure that’s not the case by writing the piece they are confident about and then following the start.
Those who don’t feel very confident about how to start can also take content writing training in Kolkata and ensure they make use of the training.

Saturday, 2 May 2020

Professional content agencies - Train their Specialized Copywriters

The demand for efficient writing experts is always on the high considering that content marketing is an essential aspect of business growth. Professional agencies, therefore, train their writers in such a way that they are able to deliver maximum output in the minimum amount of time.
Having to cater to a wide clientele by working on bulk projects, a Content Writing Company in Hyderabad is likely to engage multiple writers for a project. In addition, there might multiple projects running at any instant. As a result of which, the writers are trained and skilled to shift in between project with minimum trouble during the transition.
Altogether, it results in increased productivity as well as in building a brand name for the agency in the long run. More clients will be pleased with the turnaround time for a project that is rich in quality too.
How is quality content framed?

A leading content writing agency in Hyderabad follows a strict set of guideline to get the job done. The company engages in a hierarchical or a tree structure for curation and checking of projects.
It is due to this reason that the are multiple roles of the resources who are working within an organisation. The company has -
-          Writers who involve in extensive research and frame the overall content.
-          Proofreaders who engage in initial checking of the files for grammatical errors.
-          Editors who check for relevancy in the content along with checking for plagiarism.
-          Quality analyst enhances the quality of the overall writeup to make it readable.
All these steps are followed for every content that is written in a professional agency while providing content writing services in Hyderabad. Following which the SEO team further checks for its SEO relevance to make it aligned with the latest trends.
After having passed through all these stages, content is finally ready for delivery to the client. Therefore, it can be seen that each stage starting from writing to final SEO checking, every role is highly essential.
Also, to keep in sync with the latest advancements, agencies also provide voice search optimized content to make sure the website appear for voice searches too.
How do the agencies train their writers?
The writers at a content writing agency in Hyderabad are initially selected after a rigorous screening and interview session. After that, they are inducted into a training session for about a month or so, during which they are monitored of their regular performances.
  •  They are familiarised with multiple writing styles.
  •  Types of content such as blogs, articles, social media posts, etc are shown to them with ways to distinguish them.
  •  The writers are then introduced to SEO techniques for each type of content.
  •  They are also trained to use various tools :
-          Grammarly for checking grammatical errors.
-          Copyscape for authenticity.
-          Word density checker for checking word density.
-          Yoast for readability.
 Standard providers of copywriting services always make sure that the content is originally written and meets the clients’ requirements. Therefore, writers are trained in all the aspects that go on while writing and also editing the content.
The primary purpose of familiarising them with everything is to make them aware so that he/she knows about his/her obligations. Moreover, since they are the initiators, lesser errors from their end will result in minimising the burden of the after-checkers significantly. Altogether, it will make the entire process easier to deal with and accomplish the goal.