For the last few decades, Google has progressed its technology in leaps and bounds to present itself at the forefront of the digital world.
the very end of 2019, they showed their
plans for the upcoming year; overhauling their existing framework to make the searches more efficient, and fast.
It is bound to start new SEO trends
in 2020 as companies will try to stay ahead of their counterparts and reach the
coveted place on the first page of the search results.
Lets’ explore the old but important techniques that are predicted to define how you Search the internet and learn how any content writing agency will utilise them to gain maximum benefits.
Change #1: Mobile-first indexing –
Mobile-first indexing is likely to become the largest game changer in the SEO techniques this year. Google will use the mobile version of various web pages to index and rank them according to their popularity. These processes had already started in March 2018, when Google began to migrate sites to mobile-first indexes.
Once a site is migrated Google will use the mobile version for indexing purposes. An index still exists containing mobile and desktop versions; however, once the migration is complete, these SEO trends will eliminate any need for a mobile-friendly version.
Tips to utilise it –
Use a mobile bot to crawl through your site to check how search engine spiders see a mobile page. Also, keep track of your mobile pages’ loading speeds and user experience.
If your website is not mobile-friendly, start with overhauling its content and layout to better suit handheld devices. You can hire designers and content writing company to work on making them more efficient.
Change #2: Brands are likely to be used as a ranking signal –
Brand mentions play a crucial role in Google’s search algorithm. A search engine learns about a brands entity through unlinked brand mentions; it also established a better picture of its particular attributes by analysing all its properties. Slowly it will start evaluating its context to assign a value to the site’s ranking.
Advertising, complaint solving, etc. is stated to become more important in this context. Google algorithms will start to count these factors for ranking purposes.
Tips to utilise it –
Catering to your brand's reputation will be the ideal way to harness these new SEO trends. Also, keep track of how many times your brand's name appear online through unlinked mentions.
Find influencers who are willing to talk about your brand, or already doing the same for some time. Also, knowing what your competitors are doing will give a great deal of insight and help determine the next step.
Change #3: Mind the page loading speed –
Desktop page loading speed has long been a crucial factor in website ranking. According to the new trends, mobile page loading speed will soon trump it in importance and pose as the primary influence in the latest SEO trends of 2020.
It can change how pages are ranked. Google is trying to develop an algorithm that will count in the fact that different mobile devices have a different loading speed. It will eliminate any correlation between a pages ranking and its speed score.
Tips to utilise it –
The main focus to utilise this new SEO trend should be on creating a site better optimised for mobile viewing. Change the issues that prevented it from loading fast; refresh the design, utilise the new HTML functions to optimise the content and better present the visual elements of the page.
It also includes optimising the written content of the website. Various content writing company are gearing up to create shorter, information-dense pieces that are faster to comprehend yet tax a lot less on a devices RAM. Collaborating with such agencies will also help streamline the entire user experience.
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